CIOFS Formazione Professionale, Italy

In 1986, the National Association CIOFS-FP (CIOFS Vocational training) was born with 12 Regional Associations (RA) and 87 Vocational Training Centres. Currently, the CIOFS-FP operates in 13 regions with 13 Regional Associations and 61 Operating Centres. The bodies of the Association are: the General Assembly (link), the President, the Executive Council (link), the Board of Auditors, the National Office (links to where we are). CIOFS- FP is part of a larger system. The following diagram illustrates the connections between CIOFS and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

Our mission is to take care of young people by offering them guidance, training and opportunities for employment. Our beneficiaries are young men and women who have a bent for operational activities and applied testing. The planning training, guidance activities, the ability to work in networks are tools that we put at their service.Referring to human and Christian values, our goal is the development of a professional and a cultural project that will accompany youths from the training world to the labour market.

Our vision includes four fundamental points: to support a systematic dialogue with institutions, both at a national and a regional level, to sensitize to Vocational training and education; to foster interaction between the Regional Associations and the National Office; to encourage an exchange with the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; to respond to new needs in the light of the charisma; to face the challenge of the essential collaboration with the laity.


The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association. Duly called and constituted, it represents all of the members and the resolutions passed in accordance with the Laws, the Articles of Association and the Regulations, which are mandatory for the Members even if absent or dissenting. The following participate in the General Assembly with voting rights:

– The founders and the President of the promoting organisation CIOFS, no proxy allowed

– The members in office or the outgoing National Executive Board, no proxy allowed

– The representative of each member or person delegated for this purpose, if up-to-date with the payment of dues

– The members ad personam, no proxy allowed. Nobody can represent more than two votes other than their own

– At the request of the National President, the Chairman of the Board of Auditors and the National Bodies and structures promoted by the Executive Board may participate in the General Assembly, with no voting right.

The Executive Board is the executive body of the General Assembly for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association. It is composed of the President of the Association, elected members of the General Assembly, by the Presidents of Regional Associations CIOFS-FP and the National Delegate of the promoting organisation CIOFS.