Thanks to the Tools for CLIL Teachers project, teachers of all subjects can now create and share foreign language content with extra functionality, including links to over 100 language dictionaries.
The team was made up of specialists from vocational colleges, an adult learning training centre and universities, in five countries. According to Project Co-ordinator Kent Andersen,
The funding enabled us to take a major step, from a PC-based software to a fully online system... Through the large consortium we were able to test the system with thousands of end users, build and improve it based on their feedback.
Key facts and figures | |
Project title | Tools for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Language Teachers |
Lead organisation |
Syddansk Erhvervsskole Odense-Vejle |
Location | Odense, Denmark |
Duration | 2012-2014 |
EU grant |
€ 400,000 |
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), in which pupils learn a subject through the medium of a foreign language, gives learners the opportunity to use their new language skills immediately, and in context. The free online services developed by this project allows teachers to create and share a wide range of content, and supports learners to develop their foreign language vocabulary in a natural way.
Because the system is online and open source, any content created becomes a shareable teaching resource. The tool is free, doesn't require any technical knowledge and can even be used on mobile devices - making it accessible to everyone, and allowing learners and teachers to tap into resources wherever they are.
Hundreds of teachers and learners have already benefited from the tool, which will continue to be expanded and developed. As one user put it: "It’s magic!"
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